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The Healthy Benefits of Green Tea

Facts about nutrition of eating and drinking Kale

Facts about nutrition of eating and drinking Kale -  December 21, 2023   Facts about nutrition of eating and drinking Kale juice.   Studies behind kale The study shows that it contains a lot value especially Magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin B6, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K. For all these values are great for digestion and detoxification due to low calorie, higher fiber, high in nutrients, zero fats, once cup juice of kale contains 36 calories,  5 grams of fiber and 0 grams of fats, the studies says. High iron, per calorie, kale has more iron that beef, iron is essential good health which includes the information of hemoglobin and enzyme, transporting oxygen of various parts of the body, cell growth proper liver function and more benefits. High Vitamin K, is good for the born, blood and more. Antioxidants of kale contains carotenoids and flavonoids which helps to protect against various cancers in the body cells. Anti-inflammatory on this matter, cup of

Diet with longest life expectancy

  Miracle food or diet intake live or stay long period of time. The most wealth in this planet is life and what real makes life or you to leave healthy and strong body is based on the type of food or diet intake in your body. Many searches and viewers on you tube thathave millions subscribers is found on diet they should follow and natural remedies that starves ulthers, body cleansing, liver cleansing, diabetes diet, food builds memory and juice that starves cancer cells in their bodies. Takes an example of planting a seed , it will need a fertile ground,  well airated and saturated soil and with enough light, sunshine and rainfal such that during germination process such that it can produce or grow stem, leaves, flowers, then produce seeds and fruits. That's same applies to human life, it need natural and real food that builds body cells and healthy body organs like heart, liver, eye lungs and kidney. Many doctors recommends people or patient's to monitor their sickness or

How rich is green leafy vegetables?

  Green leafy vegetables are rich in nitrates which are converted directly into nitric acid in the body. Nitrioxide is the main compound for dilation of blood vessels to allow proper blood flow. This is an extremely important process for blood pressure control and in maintaining an erection in men. You can also make smoothies for these green leafy for example spinach, lectus, cabbage and a good way to get more leafy veggies in your diet. it is the right time to know you have a natural simple secret in those greens which increase alkaline in the body and decrease acids in the body which helps many people to stay for along period of time. Green leafy and other green products research carried out shows that increase the blood in the body for example Dodo and they also remove toxicins in the body. They also remove the bad breath in the mouth,  how to improve on bad breath. - Suck on lemon -Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. -Eat parsley -Put cucumber slices on roof of your palate. -Ta

Diet that starves cancer cells in your body .

 Diet that starves cancer cells in your body. Kale is knowns as (Brassica oleracea) which is edible plant got from the cabbage family. kale and  it's harvest is winter time as cold improves its quality and Aroma. It is uncommon green vegetable and the leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked and in salads. kale contains ascorbic acid which is water soluble and it's essential confactor in varieties enzymatic reactions for example it is prominent antioxidant. HEALTH BENEFITS OF KALE These green leaves contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin K, iron and a wide range variety of other nutrients that can prevent various health difficult. Those cleansers helps the body to remove un wanted toxins that comes from natural processes and environment.. SPINACH Spinach is leafy vegetable and it's green, spinach is vitamin rich leaves and those leaves in salads, cooking and boiled. it can be consumed by raw leaves, cooked and boiled but not fried with cooking oils which a

How can I make my face look younger naturally?

 We shall look at how to a natural anti-aging face cream with a rejuvenating effect to keep your and look younger with baby face. Get Cucumber . Cucumber  Grate the cucumber on the grater, cucumber contains vitamins that smooth out wrinkles, refresh and nourish the skin, squeeze the cucumber  and get the juice. This juice is cleansing exfoliating mask for the face from the cucumber pulp or outer skin. Then add a table spoon of sugar, add table spoon of olive oil, mix all the ingredients, then apply mask on your face and massage for three minutes,  leave the mask for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water after use the skin is fresh smooth and radiant. Let look at how we can create the cream. Get three table spoons of aloe Vera gel or hello,  add two spoons of coconut oil, put a table spoon of corn starch and mix the ingredients thoroughly, you can also use a blender to put cream in a water bath store constantly until a thick mass forms this wonderful cream leaves skin soft radiant and s

health benefits of cloves and cinnamon

  NO DOCTOR WILL TELL YOU THIS SECRET. Mixture of cloves and cinnamon extraordinary tea drink and powerful recipe healthyto your body. Cinnamon is filled with antioxidants and has several healthy benefits such as  improve heart health PCOS Treatment, Menstrual disorders and cramps. it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to fight infections in the body and repair damages tissues which may lower risk of diseases. Cloves  have antioxidants compounds that reduce oxidative stress which contributes to the development of chronic diseases. It has properties that fight the growth of bacteria in the body and fight infections causes infertility in women. This solution drink boost insulin function while lowering cholesterol,Drink in the morning for massive weight loss. To help improve your digestion and metabolism drink this wonderful healthy tonic first thing in the morning and haif an hour before having your break fast. it will keep your energy levels intact. This year has the powerto de